Our work in helping veterans and first responders is only as strong as the support you give us. Show your support for our cause by becoming an advocate, a giving circle host/hostess, a sponsor, or a volunteer.
ADVOCATES: Advocates continue to share and spread the word about our cause and participate in fundraising efforts. Our advocates are those who are passionate about active duty military members, veterans and first responders. Advocates become card carrying members who champion treatment of PTSD and TSS. They share about our work online, offline, and within communities.
GIVING CIRCLE HOST/HOSTESS: Hosts/Hostesses of giving circles invite others to their homes/businesses, speak about our work and request donations in support of our work. Hosts/Hostesses invite their families, friends, colleagues to the event, provide some snacks and drinks and speak about our work. We provide pledge and donation forms and presentation video to those who want to fundraise on our behalf via giving circles.
SPONSORSHIPS: Local organizations, businesses and corporations can become sponsors. Sponsors are mentioned and promoted via our social media channels, website and our events.
VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers help us sell our fundraising products at various events and also help with some administrative services in the clinic.